
On April 8th 2014 the Board of Open Source Matters Inc (OSM) conducted their first Annual General Meeting of the Members in accordance with the bylaws.

From a list of candidates that consisted of board Directors who could be re-elected and a number of nominees that were submitted after the call for nomination, the members selected a board of 13 Directors: Martijn Boomsma (The Netherlands), Mike Carson (USA), Ronni Christiansen (Denmark), Victor Drover (USA), Jorge Lopez-Bachiller Fernandez (Guatemala), Rod Martin (USA), Tessa Mero (USA), Ryan Ozimek (USA), Saurabh Shah (India), Joe Sonne (Canada), Marijke Stuivenberg (The Netherlands), Radek Suski (Germany), Sarah Watz (Sweden)

Immediately following the Annual General Meeting of the Members, the Regular Annual Meeting of the Directors took place. The purpose of this meeting was to elect the officers of the board: President, Treasurer and Secretary.

The Directors selected:

  • Sarah Watz as President of the board of Open Source Matters Inc.
  • Victor Drover as Treasurer of the board of Open Source Matters Inc.
  • Marijke Stuivenberg as Secretary of the board of Open Source Matters Inc.

Meeting Minutes of both meetings are available in the 2014 Meeting Minutes.

At the board meeting end of May at JandBeyond, Königstein, Germany the board appointed additionally Rod Martin in the role of Vice President and Jorge Lopéz-Bachiller in the role of Assistant Secretary. Martijn Boomsma, who already was appointed as Assistant Treasurer in a supporting role as a non board member, will stay on fulfilling this task as a board member.

OSM likes to thank all elected Board Directors and Officers for taking on this responsibility and at the same time wish to thank the outgoing board Directors Paul Orwig (former President), Alice Grevet (former Secretary), Leonel Canton, Ofer Cohen and Sandra Ordonez for all their contributions and efforts during their terms as board directors of OSM.

A special thanks for all of his efforts also goes to Jacques Rentzke who served on the board for four years in several roles. He stepped down as a director of the board in february but still participated as a member of OSM in the Annual General Meeting of the members.